If progress was measured in number of words written since the start of the year then it really has been a very slow start. As the title implies more of a fizzle than a bang.
But is that truly an accurate measure. Since the start of the year I have recovered from a nasty virus, found time to read a novel and even taught a year 7 creative writing lesson. During the latter I chose to take part in their activity and then shared what I wrote. The response was incredible and buoyed by my participation many pupils shared their writing. Some already have a flair at writing a thought-provoking story. It was an awe-inspiring and humbling experience and I learnt so much from it.
I have also changed my diet to reduce my intake of processed carbohydrates, returned to the gym, have started to make progress with the pupils in my Science classes, planned and booked a summer holiday in Croatia and today attended a phenomenal workshop which has helped me focus on what I truly want.
When put like this then the first three weeks of the year have been a truly sizzling beginning to the next chapter in my journey. I have made a promise to myself to write every morning for an hour starting tomorrow and spurred on by this now feel I finally had something to say in my first post of the year.
The message I wish to convey today is that you must not be so hard on yourself. Acknowledge little successes, even when you don’t believe they add value to your goal or dream, as they ultimately always do.
I could not plan to wake up at 5 am tomorrow to write had I not improved my diet, spent time with great friends and allowed myself time to recover from my recent illness.
Have a wonderful week!