What a week! Having spent much of the day tidying the house so I can spend tomorrow finishing my short story for my tutor I am feeling rather pleased with myself. The house feels clean and tomorrow I will dispatch my son and husband to The Motorbike Show at the NEC so it will just be my daughter, myself and the dog. Bliss!
Definitely need some quiet time after the busy week I have had. I wrote about the Super Moon on Monday and had not expected quite how much an impact it would have had on all those around me. Most notably in the classroom. It is well recognised that children on a windy day can be more raucous but my colleagues and I had not anticipated the Super Moon Effect. Pupils who are unusually quiet and conscientious became more noticeably vocal, pupils whose behaviour could be silly pushed the boundaries further and those pupils who love to question seemed to find deeper meanings in their work.
This all led to a very lively week. Add to the mix, two trips to the gym, a visit to see my husband’s gran for her birthday on Tuesday night and a trip to the cinema to watch the new Jack Reacher film then it probably no surprise that I am in need of little rest and recuperation.
The plan for the evening then is a fish and chip supper and a glass of red vino or two as I watch Children in Need with a box of tissues to hand and my credit card at the ready!